Wildlife Tales in Monopoly Go is a two-day milestone event that offers plenty of amazing rewards. Since this piece of content is back in the game, many players might be interested in learning about the milestone list related to this inclusion and the bonuses it offers for the next two days. This article provides the complete reward list for Monopoly Go's Wildlife Tales.
This event started on August 24, 2023, and will end on August 26. It has only been live for five hours and provides 43 milestones for you to reach, all of which have been mentioned below.
Complete Wildlife Tales in Monopoly Go rewards list
During this two-day event, you need to collect Hats by landing on some selected tiles to gather points, which will yield rewards like cash, free Dice Rolls, stickers, and more. Here are all the bonuses for this event:
Monopoly Go Wildlife Tales Milestone list | Points (Hats) Required | Rewards |
1 | 25 | 10 Dice Roll |
2 | 10 | Cash Rewards |
3 | 15 | Green Sticker Pack |
4 | 70 | 75 Dice Rolls |
5 | 15 | Cash Rewards |
6 | 20 | Green Sticker Pack |
7 | 25 | 15 Min Rent Frenzy |
8 | 30 | Cash Rewards |
9 | 180 | 225 Dice Rolls |
10 | 35 | Cash rewards |
11 | 40 | Green Sticker Pack |
12 | 50 | Cash Rewards |
13 | 300 | 400 Dice Rolls |
14 | 55 | Cash Rewards |
15 | 50 | 10 Min Cash Frenzy |
16 | 60 | Cash rewards |
17 | 70 | Green Sticker Pack |
18 | 700 | 850 Dice Rolls |
19 | 70 | Cash Rewards |
20 | 80 | Green Sticker Pack |
21 | 100 | Cash Rewards |
22 | 1.2K | 1.4K Dice Rolls |
23 | 150 | 15 Min High Roller |
24 | 140 | Green Sticker Pack |
25 | 175 | 200 Dice Rolls |
26 | 1K | Cash rewards |
27 | 200 | Blue Sticker Pack |
28 | 300 | 250 Dice Rolls |
29 | 250 | Cash rewards |
30 | 1.8K | 1.9K Dice Rolls |
31 | 500 | 5 Min Cash Boost |
32 | 750 | Cash rewards |
33 | 800 | Blue Sticker Pack |
34 | 900 | Cash rewards |
35 | 2.8K | 2.6K Dice Rolls |
36 | 1K | Purple Sticker Pack |
37 | 1.1 K | 25 Min Rent Frenzy |
38 | 1.2K | Cash rewards |
39 | 2.5K | Cash rewards |
40 | 1.3K | 1K Dice Rolls |
41 | 1.4K | Purple Sticker Pack |
42 | 1.5K | Cash rewards |
43 | 6K | Purple Sticker Pack and 7K Dice Rolls |
Scopely's virtual board game keeps bringing amazing events that pave the way to riches for tycoons. Wildlife Tales in Monopoly Go's sticker collection event also offers amazing rewards. However, it's going to wrap up in a week.
Therefore, add more friends, share stickers, and help each other to complete your collection of stickers faster. Focus on that event as well as this milestone one over the next two days so that you don't miss out on becoming a super-rich tycoon.
How to Complete Wildlife Tales milestone event
To complete this milestone event and collect all the Wildlife Tales in Monopoly Go rewards, you need to aim for some specific tiles — the corner ones on your board. The two Jail tiles at the opposite corners, Go, and the Free Parking tiles at the corners will earn you four Hats every time you land on them.
While the initial milestones will be completed easily, things will get a lot harder when you have to collect more than 1K points. You can use roll multipliers to increase your rewards. You will earn 40 Hats for landing on any of the aforementioned tiles, along with a x10 multiplier.
However, since it will take 10 Dice Rolls at once to use such multipliers, you might want to learn how to get free Dice Rolls in this game.
In conclusion, the Wildlife Tales in Monopoly Go event brings plenty of rewards and will help you complete your board faster.
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