Blake Dorning Obituary, Death – Blake Dorning, a former president of the HMCHS and the sheriff of Madison County, courageously battled cancer until the day he died away on November 14, 2023; nonetheless, he was ultimately unable to win the battle against the illness. In honor of Blake, the Sheriff’s Office shared the following eulogy across all of its various social media platforms: “Sherriff Blake Dorning was a man of integrity, faith, honor, courage, and duty.” Blake Dorning was a man who lived his life with honor, courage, and integrity.
But above all things, and to the very core of his being, Blake was a kind and caring individual… According to a statement that was made public by Sheriff Turner, “Sheriff Dorning will be remembered for his selfless service, devotion, and dedication to his family, fellow law enforcement officers, and community during his career.
” “He will forever be a role model and example of professionalism in our agency…” We owe Blake an enormous debt of appreciation for the significant amount of time he spent serving as President of the HMCHS throughout his tenure on the Board of Directors of the Society. He was the leader of the Society during the early years of the epidemic, guiding it through the process of responding to the unanticipated obstacles it encountered along the road.
He not only provided a wide range of fascinating historical issues that might be investigated, but he also provided a big number of outstanding contacts within the neighborhood. The members of the HMCHS community are inconsolably saddened to hear of Blake Dorning’s passing, and they would want to offer their condolences to his family. The community is inconsolably grieved to learn of Blake Dorning’s passing.